As noted on my TradeRush Broker Review page, I wiped my account, no point in posting those trades, those are irrelevant. I’m honest and publicly stated that I wiped the account, luckily, I withdrew my initial deposit prior to that happening, so I didn’t “lose money” per say, I just lost profits. The rest of this post simply contain the trades made on BBinary since the last binary option live trade update. These are simply here to follow thru with my original intent for this blog. My trades are fully transparent, everything is posted, win or lose. I don’t care what people have to say about me. Yes, I’m stuck in a stump right now, so what? Who isn’t? I’m still profitable, so whatever. The excuse that I will keep using is that I haven’t focused fully on binary options to maximize profits and find a winning system that works. I haven’t the time or money to focus on trading, period!

Only the trades are posted, no charts, I didn’t bother making any charts the last couple months. You’ll also notice that the account balance didn’t change that much, I just went up and down. Everytime I lost, I recovered then fucked up again. Rinse and repeat, over and over. It’s easier said than done to maintain the recovery phase only and ignoring the fuck ups. Almost all the trades have no comments either, except for my own personal comments. Sorry, didn’t intend on making it full on journal style, so once again, these are provided to be transparent, all my trades are posted.